International Collonca Society
Proposed Araucana Classification
and the Proposed Application to a
Practical Judging Standard
Indian name : 'Colloncas'
Eggs : ( a ) Blue with Brown Spots
( b ) Blue
Indian name : 'Quetros'
Eggs : Non-Essential Characteristic
Indian name : 'Colloncas De Artez'
Colloncas De Artez are TUFTED / RUMPLESS
Eggs : Non-Essential Characteristic
( a ) White
( b ) Brown
( c ) Blue or variations of...
*This ia a (hybird cross) between a Quetros and Colloncas
* Known as a Modern Araucana
tufted or non-tufted rumpless
Common name : 'Black Araucanas"
Indian name : 'PIO'
Eggs : ( a ) Blue with Brown Spots
( b ) Blue
( c ) Blue Green
( d ) Green
*According to Prado and Latcham, the Araucana originated from a blue Silkie plumaged, black skinned and rumpless fowl which layed blue eggs.
Indian name : 'Chilenos'
Eggs : ( a ) Blue with Brown Spots
( b ) Blue with White Spots
( c ) Blue with Lavender Spots
( d ) Blue with Halo on one end
( e ) Blue
( f ) Blue Green
( g ) Green
( h ) Bright Green
( i ) Olive
( j ) Lavender
Note : classification of this variwty must presently be left unclassified owing to the specimen;s extreme rarity and complete lack of information concerning character identification.
Four Types of Araucana which were developed in the U.S. from the originally imported stock.
-1- THE NORMAL : laying blue eggs, but having normally developed tail and ear covers.
-2- THE TUFTED : laying blue eggs, with ear tufts but with a normal tail.
-3- THE TAILESS : laying a blue eggs, but lacking a tail and ear tufts.
-4-THE TUFTED TAILESS : laying blue eggs, but laking a tail and possessing ear tufts.
Text: Hans L. Schippers
Illustration: Marinette Meijer
Because some serious mis-interpretations about the charcateristics of the
true Araucana I
ve the feeling it's time to explain what a true Auracana is. The history
about them is as clear as the sun, but a mix-up of stories did lead to a
solar eclipse and some Standards used not the right photographs to give the
right impression of them. This is just the basis information and for the
serious breeders I stronly advise to read the furtheron mentioned books.
Good for the breeder, the judge and for the breed.
The Araucana originates from South Chile and has taken its name from the
province called Arauca, the home of the Arauca Indians. A different version
of origin claims that the breed originated in Peru and was imported by the
Spaniards; this has never been proved, though. The most notable
characteristics include the pink, green and blue colored eggs they produce
as well as the ear tufts
The Portuguese explorer Magelhaes (1480-1521) described poultry in 1519
that resemble Araucanas. In 1526 the Spanish general and naturalist by the
name of Cabot described poultry that laid blue eggs in Spain. It is assumed
that this breed was present in more than one state in South America by the
17th. century. Even Dutch pirates who particularly attacked Spanish boats
mentioned 'these funny chickens with earrings, which laid blue and green
eggs'. These must have been Araucanas. Missionaries also mentioned this
very special breed. From 1880 onwards, Araucanas spread through Argentina,
Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. In Uruguay, ladies in higher circle kept and
bred Araucanas as a curiosity; it is known that in those days the egg
production was around 185 eggs a year. Prof. Salvador Castello Carreras
rediscovered the Araucanas in 1914 in Punta Arenys, Chile.
The breed was intensively discussed at the First World Poultry Congress of
the World Poultry Science Association (WPSA) in The Hague, the Netherlands
in September 1921. After this congress, the breed became very well known
throughout the whole world. Some people think that Araucanas should be
rumpless. This is not true, although there is a rumpless subspecies called
Collonca that is also kept by many people. There are many descriptions of
the Araucana and quite recently the Ameraucana, an American version of the
breed, was developed, but these have beards and whiskers instead of the
A true standard description is hard to make as the Araucana exists in more
than seven different types. The most prominent feature being the eartufts
(not muffs!), which can be differently shaped. The second feature, namely
rumpless is wrongly mentioned. The illustrations show best what the
different types look like. C.S.Th. van Gink, the world famous Dutch
poultryjudge and -expert, illustrator, painter and founder of the World
Poultry Science Association (WPSA), describes the breed around 1950 as
' …The most well known types of the colored egg laying Araucanas are 1. the
Castilian type, 2. the Spanish game type, 3. The Eastern game type, 4.
Bearded and Feathered Feet type, 5.Continental Fowl type, 6. Long legged,
rumpless type with feathered feet type, 7. Frizzled type. Going by the
Araucanas that have come from America and Europe, there are more types of
eartufs occur in other types than the above mentioned. By mixing up these
varieties the Araucana occurs in nearly more colors than any other
Continental Fowl from any country…'
(Note author) So called Continental Fowl are light, old European poultry
breeds that are in type very similar to the original Jungle Fowl.
Anyone seriously interested in the Araucana should read David Caudill's
1975 book 'Araucana Poulterers Handbook', published by the International
Collonca Society, Roble del Campo, California as well as the 1991
publication 'Araucanas, Rings on their Ears!' by Cathy Brunson, California,
USA (available from Stromberg Publishing, Pine River, Minnesota,USA)
A very hardy breed that is less susceptible to diseases. They achieve a
good egg production of around 200 per year in various colors, of which the
green and blue are the most common. They are very good foragers if kept
free range. Keeping them penned up tends to make them to fat, which can
influence the egg production. Their food, therefore, needs to be rationed.
Most varieties of Araucana do not get broody with the exception of the
rumpless Collonca. Green eggs of non-purebred Araucanas are currently sold
on the European market as being a healthier egg.
Depending on type, sex and age they weigh around 1400- 2000 grams. Some
very heavy ones of up to 4000 grams do occur in certain varieties.
The only TRUE Araucanas possess eartufts and lay colored eggs. Color is of
minor importance in this breed and rumpless as well as with tailed
varieties exist. Crests are not a characteristic of the original and true
Araucana. Other varieties include feathered feet types and frizzled.