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  Links to Suppliers and other sites....Look futher down for lots more.....

Poultry Connection

If you are looking for (Araucanas), I suggest you "Do Not" use a hatchery, as most of them sell "Easter Eggers" ie Americanas as Araucanas.

Araucana the Main Roost


Feathersite Wonderful place to find information and many more related links.

Poultry Genetics Poultry Gentics For The Non Professional. A great site to discuss on the forum and post questions. Many good folks here!

Offers: Literature, Links to Breeders, Clubs, Hatchery Links, Health Links, Show Information and more....

Brown Egg Blue Egg Where you can find Araucanas and more breeds.....

araucana-chickens Forum

Dixie Poultry Farm Has incubator, supplies ect...

Grandpa Steve's Araucanas Chickens.

Araucana Club of America

American Poultry Association For people interested in the blue egg layer, links to web pages ect...Forum to most questions.

Cutlersupply Has great prices on egg shipping boxes ect...

Canadian Araucana Society

If you want me to add you to my links contact me.